INJOY Stewardship Senior Consultant, Jeff Shortridge, recently sat down with our team to discuss an interesting observation.
He noticed that 30% of the churches he is currently serving do not have land, renderings, virtual flyovers, or even know what side of town they will build on.
However, the need to raise financial resources is urgent.
During this discussion, Jeff began to elaborate on the 3 types of generosity needed to have a successful capital campaign.
This information was so vital to the success of a church we wanted to make it available to you.
Click the video below to get this incredible FREE coaching.
Is Your Church Ready For a Capital Campaign?
Regardless of what type of generosity that exists at your church, several components need to be in place to maximize your culture of generosity:
Do you have a strong need for raising capital?
Is the need urgent and necessary for the growth of the Kingdom and your church?
Be able to answer, “Why are we doing this now and why now?”
By implementing the 3 Types of Generosity and answering the three questions listed above, you will position yourself to have a successful capital campaign, raises countless financial resources, and see dozens and dozens of people reached for Christ.
If you have an urgent need to raise capital, start a conversation with a member of our team today!