Here at INJOY Stewardship Solutions, we are committed to helping you resource the God-given vision for your church. If your church has employees, this can be extremely valuable information for your church.
Watch the video linked below to see how your church may be missing out on thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) of dollars in wages paid to employees during the pandemic.
Learn more about the ERC at your church
Have you heard of the ERC – The Employee Retention Credit? Well, it could mean thousands of dollars in wages you have paid to employees during the pandemic are eligible to be reimbursed to your church!
The ERC was created as part of the CARES Act (which also created the first round of PPP). Now, the credit is a little complex, but with the help of your finance team and your payroll services provider, you should be able to swiftly determine eligibility and apply for the credit. Thousands of churches applied for and received this credit! Our organization applied for this credit also and received a massive credit.
In our conversations with many pastors, we’ve seen that many of them have not applied for the credit. They didn’t even know it was available! Others have been told, incorrectly, that their church is not eligible. Still others are being charged large amounts of money or a percentage of the credit itself!
Together, our CEO, Joseph Sangl and Matt Sams, the CFO of INJOY Stewardship Solutions, sat down to help church leaders do three things:
Determine their eligibility
Offer practical next steps your church can take
Provide articles and resources
If your organization was either partially or fully shut down due to a government-ordered shutdown (MOST, IF NOT ALL CHURCHES!) OR your organization’s revenue was down at least 50% in any given quarter in 2020.
Does your organization pay taxes for these employees? Then yes!
If your church received PPP, the wages paid that are eligible for the credit are the wages paid in excess of the PPP funds (in other words, you paid out more money in the quarter than you received in PPP assistance).
THIS IS IMPORTANT: Your church MUST apply for this credit. It will not be processed automatically for you.
After you watch the webinar (linked here!), you’ll receive our Top 4 Resources to help you navigate the ERC for your church! May your church be fully funded!