The #1 Objection to Online Giving


When it comes to online giving, the number one objection we hear at INJOY Stewardship Solutions is fees. No one likes paying fees.

The average fee for online giving is anywhere from 2-4%. It feels like a loss of resources which could be leveraged for ministry and life change.

But the question begs, is the fee worth it to begin online giving?

The truth is when you set up online giving, you are not taking 2-4% from people who are already giving cash.

You are actually now getting 97-98% from those who were previously not giving at all. It is not a transition or removal of current giving.

You’re creating an onramp for people who are currently not engaged in the generosity and discipleship journey.

The bottom line is would you rather have $97 or $0?

How to Increase Consistently Generous Givers

Ultimately, people give more money online than through the passing of the plates during the service.

Think about it – how much cash is in your wallet right now? If you are like me, not much.

Therefore, on Sunday mornings you are passing the plates to people with little or no cash on hand.

Paying minimal fees is worth it!!!

During our recent Complete Stewardship 1-Day Online Summit, we discussed the topic of online giving.

During this session, Craig Fatt of GiveInJoy Giving Solutions, LLC discusses the different objections to online giving, as well as how to create generous givers at your church.

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