I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. Group Study

Help The People In Your Church Win With Money God's Way Introducing The I Was Broke. Now I'm Not. Group Study

Looking for a way to set a biblical foundation for wise and God-honoring stewardship within your church?

This 6-week study teaches on personal finance from a biblical perspective. With foundational truth from scripture, participants will learn how to budget, save, invest, plan ahead, and maintain momentum in their financial journey. This study blends scripture and money in a relevant, engaging, and life-changing way! 

Why Run A Group Study?

I Was Broke. Now I'm Not. Group Study Sessions

  • Session One: The Fully Funded Life Ladder
  • Session Two: Budgeting
  • Session Three: Saving
  • Session Four: Debt
  • Session Five: Investing
  • Session Six: Insurance
  • BONUS Session: Sustaining The Gains

Each session has an accompained video lesson. 
Within the workbook, each session follows this format: 

Listening Guide
Group Discussion Questions 
Action Items 
At Home Self-Reflection Questions

What others are saying
steve scholl cypress church

Pastor Steve Scholl: Cypress Church

"The updated and expanded IWBNIN curriculum is as engaging as it is thorough, giving individuals and couples greater insight into all the major categories of financial health--budgeting, saving, debt, investing, and insurance. Beyond insight, the lessons create understanding and provide practical application steps in a fun and revelatory way, helping anyone who sticks with the program and applies its principles to achieve a sustainably healthy relationship with their finances."

What Your Church Will Learn?



Who should participate in this group study?

  • The group study was created for anyone in the church, regardless of their current income status. The study has on content for those who are financially struggling, those who are financially stable, and those who are in financial surplus. Overall, we find those who are financially struggling the most can benefit the most.

What supporting resources are there for this group study?

  • Each participant will receive their own workbook and hardcover book of the I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. series. These print resources follow in conjunction with the group study sessions. Other additional resources include: calculators, budgets, bonus video courses, and even coaching resources that will support them in their stewardship journey.

How do I create maximum participation?

  • The best way to launch a group study is to run a Financial Learning Experience and/or have a sermon series on stewardship leading up to the group study. Consider promoting the event through marketing emails, group study sign-ups, videos, and announcements during Sunday morning messages.
  • Additionally, consider providing childcare and food at the weekly meetings

Can a married couple share a participant kit?

  • Absolutely! We believe the budget should be combined as one since they are one. However, if each person wants to have their own participant kit that is up to them.
gs candice hilse freedom church


"...story after story of life change. I was so encouraged each time to see the light bulbs go off and people begin their journey toward a fully funded life."

Candice Hilse
Executive Pastor of Ministries
Freedom Church

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