, How One Church Doubled Their Fundraising Goal: The Story Of Peace Church


Brief History

Pastor Ryan Kimmel became the lead pastor of Peace Church in Middleville, MI in the summer/fall of 2020. Before that, Kimmel was the church’s family and executive pastor for seven years. Not long after becoming lead pastor, Peace Church began to experience unprecedented growth – going through the next 3 years with 30% growth each year. 

The Plan

At the end of 2021, talk of church expansion began, and along came a few challenges. Limitations on the Peace Church property arose surrounding septic issues. Through prayer, a miracle was delivered, and God provided exactly what was needed to get state approval to expand–and the campaign, Proclaim was created.

Entering the campaign Peace Church felt the pinch of growth, unity around the desire to grow, and on the heels of a God-given miracle. As a result, Peace Church made the Outreach Magazine’s Top 100 Fastest-Growing Churchs, coming in at number 29 in the country.

“I wish I knew going into the campaign what I know now – that Proclaim was an incredibly exciting and unifying adventure that showed me how much the people of our congregation love our church and are supportive of what God is doing here!”

Lead Pastor, Ryan Kimmel
Peace Church

Spiritual Growth

Peace Church heard many stories of spiritual growth and saw great spiritual wins from the Proclaim campaign. One family at Peace Church dove deeper into their spiritual journey, with a step into financial generosity. Before the campaign, one person in the marriage loved being generous and faithfully giving to the Kingdom’s work, and the other did not. When it came time to pledge to the Proclaim campaign, one spouse proposed a number greater than what the generous spouse was planning on suggesting! An incredible result of the Spirit moving in their lives, marriage, and support of God’s mission. 

The Result

Peace Church approached their congregation with a goal of 2.5 million, but when it came time to pledge, the people of the church delivered 4.3 million! And it didn’t stop there, the spirit of the Lord continued to move throughout the church and Peace Church is currently at 4.7 million.

INJOY Stewardship Solutions was able to provide wisdom, direction, proven methods, and support from Senior Consultant, Jeff. Keeping the campaign Christ-centered and Gospel-focused.

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