How One Millennial-filled Church Designed a New Facility to Become a Second Flow of Income


Church: Believers Church – Chesapeake, VA

Project: Building a new facility.

Goal: $1.4 million

Amount Raised: $1.6 million

Since their conception, Believers Church has completed three capital campaigns with INJOY Stewardship.

In 2012, they launched a capital campaign because they were absolutely bursting at the seams.

They set a goal of raising $1.4 million to build a new facility that could accommodate for their level of growth.

However, during the planning phase of the campaign they realized that because they were reaching so many millennials, their congregation did not have the capacity to fully fund the facility they had in mind. So they had to pivot.

Instead of building a new facility that could only be used by the church, they designed one that could also serve as an event center for the community.

This allowed them to become more connected to their community and it provided a second flow of income to make their mortgage payments much more feasible.

Believers Church moved into their new facility called “Hub 757” this past December and were able to celebrate their first baptisms in the facility on February 11th!

hub 757 baptism 2

If your church is looking to achieve similar results to Believers Church, join our free online course, The Five-Minute Capital Campaign. We will walk you through the INJOY Stewardship Process in four five-minute videos and help you understand how you can see these kinds of results in your church!

The Five Minute Capital Campaign

To hear what Pastor Jamey had to say about their three partnerships with INJOY Stewardship, click HERE.

To see what their new facility looks like, click through the gallery below.

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