Personal Finance Maximize & Magnify

Have economic conditions left your people increasely stressed over their finances?

Through this event help your people move beyond struggling to financial stability, understand what it means to surrender their finances to the Lord, and position themselves financially to be able to live out their heart’s desires.

Did You Know?

  • 70% of Americans feel financially stressed
  • 52% said this feeling has increased since 2020
  • Only 28% of Americans report feeling financially secure. Why?
    • 63% say because of high inflation
    • 48% say overall economic conditions
    • 36% say rising interest rates

What is Maximize & Magnify?

Maximize & Magnify is an equipping event that pairs Biblical wisdom with a plan to navigate challenging financial times.

During this hour-and-a-half seminar, your people will learn:

  • How to maximize every dollar through budgeting
  • Identifying ways to decrease their expenses
  • Strategies for additional income production
  • What scripture teaches about giving
  • Why and how to seek wise counsel

Hear From A Pastor:

“I believe I was just able to exhale as I awoke this morning from such a powerful, applicable, and inspiring weekend of messages and workshop by Joe. His energy, enthusiasm, and insightful content was a grand slam, out-of-the-park hit with our congregation. I still marval at Joe’s energetic, connecting, and embracing delivery with people, whether he is teaching, preaching, or answering questions. We were and are very blessed by Joe and the whole team.”


Senior Pastor of New Hope Oahu

Following Joe’s Money Message and the Maximize & Magnify Event

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