A Message from our President & CEO, Joe Sangl:
Ministry friends,
First, let me say a huge “Thank You!” to everyone who has given your input on an online conference we’re going to be providing early next year.
Your feedback is invaluable to us as we prepare for that special event.
I can’t wait to share more about it with you!
Expect to hear more about it shortly after the new year begins.
As you might imagine, we’re #FiredUp.
Here’s the primary reason I’m writing you today.
I recently joined with our team for our annual meetings.
During this time, we reflect on key ministry wins, celebrate the incredible ways God has shown up in our partner churches, and challenge ourselves to grow and improve.
As we reviewed some of the key data, I was so excited, energized, and encouraged that I felt compelled to share some of this data with each of you.
Here are some items that stood out to me from a review of the past few years:
45 States (USA), 4 Provinces (Canada), Australia – We’ve led capital stewardship campaigns for churches in 45 US States, 4 Canadian Provinces, and even a church in Australia!
$472,042,155 Committed – The total of sacrificial commitments – above and beyond regular tithes and offerings – are nearing half a billion dollars!
Lives Changed – Nearly every church reported salvations occurring during their campaign! This is our passion – to help churches lead their congregations on a spiritual journey that results in increased faith and a fully funded vision.
94,905 Church Leaders – We’ve had 94,905 church leaders trust us enough to provide their email address to us. This allows us to communicate with leaders throughout the year. We don’t take this trust lightly. With each email message we send, it is our goal to: (a) provide helpful content, (b) help you advance in your leadership and stewardship knowledge, and (c) offer a next step to move forward toward the vision God has given you.
Churches of All Sizes – We’ve been able to serve churches with regular attendance of 80 people each weekend all the way to churches with 14 campuses and regular attendance greater than 20,000 people – and all sizes in between. Here is one common component with all of these churches: God is moving powerfully in each one!
26 years – and still growing! Since Dr. John C. Maxwell founded ISS in 1992, the focus has always been on helping churches fund the God-given vision and being a friend to pastors. That same vision still burns within the hearts of every one of our team members.
We’re so grateful to be able to participate in work that results in more people being reached with the Gospel and in Kingdom Expansion.
As you embark on your work today, be encouraged and know that the Kingdom of God is expanding.
Joseph Sangl
President & CEO
INJOY Stewardship Solutions