State of the Church Survey


As the church in America continues to undergo disruption, it is important that Christian leaders prepare for and rise up to the challenges of this time. In this survey, you will be able to give your perspective on what has been happening at your church and what you are doing about it. 

This survey has been taken by 800+ pastors already and it will take less than 3 minutes for you to complete! 

After you submit the survey, you’ll also be able to download an e-book bundle, “The Pastor’s E-Book Bundle”, which includes our top 3 downloaded e-books to provide helpful resources for you and your church.

This tumultuous cultural moment presents new pressures to leaders like you. We want to be a friend in these hard times by offering practical insights and up-to-date culture and faith trends. Christian leaders, this unique survey will provide you with insight into your church, other churches and the needs of your community. We want to find out how churches are doing during this time as well as what you as a pastor are facing. This will help us to better understand the pressures that ministry leaders experience, and we would like to learn more from your congregation! Also, by participating in the “State of the Church Survey”, you will receive a bundle of INJOY Stewardship’s top e-books as well! 

Don’t miss out on this chance to share how your church is doing! Just click this link, and you’ll be able to let us know!

Every leader who participates will get instant access to “The Pastor’s E-book Bundle” with three of INJOY Stewardship’s top downloaded e-books.

 This survey will take you less than 3 minutes to complete, and will give us amazing insight to the current reality many church’s are facing.  

We know that the current cultural moment presents new challenges and pressures to leaders like you. In our survey, we hope to gain insight from leaders with up-to-date faith trends as well as practical insights on how to lead during complex times.

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