We’ve all heard the saying “Expect the Unexpected,” and while that’s easy to say, some of the “unexpecteds” are simply impossible to “expect.” Snow days? Yes, we’ve seen those before, and we have a plan. Power outages? Thankfully, these are rare and usually easily fixed.
But then there’s the truly didn’t-see-that-one-coming “unexpected”…like a country that has been quarantined and asked not to gather for an undetermined length of time.
The effects of coronavirus have reached our churches. But losing the opportunity to physically gather doesn’t mean stopping everything.
There are three areas not to be forgotten.
Just because church looks a bit different doesn’t diminish the continual need for giving. With your congregation not able to give in-person temporarily, this is the most important time to make sure that your church has smooth, easy way for your people to tithe online.
GiveInJoy is your answer. GiveInJoy is a premier service provider, giving you access to best-in-class giving platforms and partners. They provide the highest levels of security and reliability in the industry.
They continually monitor cost savings opportunities for you and technical advances with a commitment to seamless integration. Our platforms are used by leading faith-based and companies worldwide.
free trial for 30 days
live in 2 days
promotional materials
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world-class free phone & email support
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Get all of the information here for free to calculate your savings.
Find out how your fees can be zero, and learn how you can keep giving consistent when nothing else seems that way.
Check out this blog HERE to see how digital giving can help your church exceed budget!
With technology, live-streaming service is a great alternative to the regular in-person service. Your church may already be up and running on this. If so, great! If not, now’s the time. The two most popular choices for live-streaming are Facebook and YouTube.
For small churches, you may want to consider Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangouts. There are advantages and disadvantages to all of these, so do a bit of research (there’s LOTS of information out there with all of the pros, cons, and costs involved), talk to others who have done it, and select what works best for your situation.
Seeing your pastor and worshipping through a computer screen certainly isn’t the same as in person, but when that’s not an option, it’s the next best thing.
Chances are you’ve spent time today on some sort of social media platform. Is it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or a little of all three? Whether it’s your favorite way to see what’s going on or you cringe when it’s mentioned, social media serves a vital purpose. It is how people stay in touch, get information, and communicate with others. Your church must do the same.
Make use of what you have available. Your church should have accounts for all of these and be consistently posting news, information, and ways to stay connected.
How to Win at Church Social Media
While things are different right now and changing daily, remember these three areas to keep your congregation engaged, informed, and giving.