What Time of the Year Should Your Church Launch a Campaign?


The best time to launch a capital campaign is when there is great URGENCY to raise dollars.

This urgency can come from the desire to retire debt that is preventing the church from pursuing great ministry opportunities, it can come from the need to launch a new campus to reach more people for Jesus, or it can come from a facility that is completely out of space.

Maybe your church is in this situation and looking for your next step.

So, when is the best time of YEAR to launch a capital campaign?

Talk to a Campaign Expert:


We typically recommend churches start in the fall because this is the time of year when attendance is HIGHEST in most churches and people are the least financially stressed.


In summer, everybody is on vacation, so you likely will want to avoid launching a campaign when people’s attendance is so infrequent and inconsistent.


In the winter (Thanksgiving to Martin Luther King Jr. day), people have so many things going on between holidays and gift-buying that launching a capital campaign would not be very well-received by your people.


In the spring, you are almost as well-positioned as you would be in the fall, but fall presents a distinguishing advantage that the spring season can’t provide.

Because a fall capital campaign launch is so close to the end of the year, a church can take advantage of year-end giving and continually on-board people who didn’t commit in the fall.

Year-end giving gives churches a natural way to re-energize a campaign’s vision and commitments.

If you are currently in a place where you know you need to launch a fall capital campaign, we would recommend you start planning now!

Talk to an expert