This week, INJOY Stewardship has dispatched Brian Dodd, our Director of New Ministry Partnerships, to live-blog some of the sessions from Exponential Conference..
The Exponential conference is the largest annual gathering of church planters on the planet, and this year’s lineup of speakers is top-of-the-line.
The following are 22 quotes from Andy Stanley’s session on Tuesday:
“Do you really want to put the generation coming behind of you ahead of you?”
“It is safer and potentially more financially profitable for you if you don’t. Becoming a hero-maker will cost you.”
“When you decide to shine the spotlight on other people you lose control.”
“Very few of us have ever seen this done well. It’s not like we’re following some lead.”
“If you were better than the lead pastor they just called you rebellious.”
“If you live for yourself, lead for yourself, in the end, you will have nothing to show for yourself but yourself.”
“The value of a life is always measured by how much of it was given away.”
“It is not intuitive away to give your life, your leadership, and your opportunities away.”
“If you don’t, your impact will be no bigger than you.”
“When you think about the strange pastors, you know they are not multipliers. If you are not multiplying, you are like a blockage in your bowel system.”
“All strange people hang around together. That’s why they don’t know they’re strange.”
“If you’re not a hero-making, you may not pay professionally. You may pay personally… Your children will become confronted with your fear. And your children will know you are strange.”
“Not so with you.”
“When you think of great leaders, you don’t think about what they accomplished. You think about what they accomplished for you.”
“If you replace yourself you will always have a place.”
“I’m here to facilitate your success regardless of where our names appear on an org chart.”
“The person with the most resources has the most opportunities to do things for the most people.”
“If everybody’s essential, everybody’s essential.”
“Ask the people in your organization this question, ‘What can I do to help?’”
“There’s hardly anything uglier than a detached body part.”
“My Savior got very, very, very small when He got under my sin.”
“Next time you think you’re a big shot, just wash more feet.”
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