This week, the INJOY Stewardship team will be live blogging content from the Creative Church Conference in Dallas, Texas.
C3 Conference is hosted by Pastor Ed Young of Fellowship Church and is a gathering of thousands of leaders and influencers from all walks of life and all around the world.
C3 is passionate about bringing a new level of excellence to our churches and hope to our communities.
Follow along as we share quotes and notes from each main session!
The following is a recap of Pastor Ed Young’s second session at C3:
Sometimes we put off hard conversations or meetings under the guise of showing others grace.
It’s better to have hard conversations quickly.
It’s better to have hard conversations succinctly.
As a Senior Pastor, I have the lion’s share of hard conversations on our team.
I do hard conversations publicly.
How did hard conversations happen in sports? In a group.
Years ago, I’d been putting off a hard conversation I needed to have with a group of people, and in one meeting I had to fire 27 people.
Don’t put off hard conversations.
Ask hard questions.
Ask, “What are you doing?”
Some pastors forget WHAT they are supposed to be doing.
Ask, “Who are you reaching?”
Are you stealing people from other churches? Or are you really reaching new people?
Ask team members, “Who are YOU inviting to church, personally?”
Numbers come and go, but when I stop hearing stories of our staff members inviting and engaging others, that’s bad.
Ask yourself, “Who are you letting go?”
What staff or volunteers are keeping you from going to another level or reaching more people?
You need to have “What IFers?” and “What ISers” on your team.
What IFers are visionary thinkers who can cast vision.
Vision should always trump everything.
What ISers are thinkers who help make the vision a reality.
95% of my time in meetings is accomplished in ONE meeting.
Lower your number of meetings.
Create a climate of critique.
Critique is not criticism.
Critique things in a public.
At INJOY Stewardship, our aim is to provide you with the BEST most RELEVANT content on stewardship and leadership, so as an added bonus we wanted to provide you with a free download of the most popular resource we’ve ever produced, Five Mistakes That Will Kill Your Church Fundraising.