Increase Church Tithing: 9 Proven Strategies

person holding an opened Bible

What comes to your mind when you hear the term, “generosity”? 

Is it a picture of someone giving their time? Someone giving their talent? Their treasure? 

“Generosity is an expression of God’s character and a spiritual discipline that can flourish in so many different areas of our lives, but one of the most challenging areas for people to become generous is in their personal finances.”

9 Ways To Increase Generosity

Increase your church tithing this year with these 9 proven strategies: 

  1. Sermon series on personal finance
  2. Personal finance ministry
  3. Implement a first-time giver system 
  4. Weekly offering talks 

Download our ebook: 9 Ways To Increase Generosity and learn the detailed steps of each strategy listed in this blog! 

  1. Online giving systems
  2. High capacity giver system 
  3. Consistent and compelling communication systems 
  4. Special offerings and year-end giving systems
  5. A capital campaign 

 According to a survey of nearly 3,000 churches, the average per-person giving in 2022 was $2,848.

How does your average compare to that of the churches in this survey? Is there room for improvement?

Churches that have the most generous cultures are the ones who are intentional about cultivating it. Create a generosity plan that fits your ministry best, and impacts the hearts and lives of your people! 

Get started on your generosity plan today with our resource: 9 Ways To Increase Generosity

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