Is Your Church Part of the 30%?


If you are not familiar with Jeff Shortridge, you should be.

Jeff is an INJOY Stewardship Senior Consultant and recently sat down with our team to discuss the 3 types of generosity he sees in every successful capital campaign

We wanted you to have this vital information.

Simply click the video below to learn about these 3 types of generosity and discover which type your church encompasses.  

Is Your Church Ready For a Capital Campaign?

During this video, Jeff also made an interesting observation.

He pointed out that 30% of the churches he is currently serving do not have land, renderings, virtual flyovers, and some do not even know what side of town they will eventually reside in.

That’s right – 30%!

However, their need to raise financial resources is urgent. 

Does your church fit in this 30%?

You have an urgent need to raise financial resources, but do not know what or where you’ll build?

Use the calendar below to start a conversation with a member of our team.

Talk to an expert