, Is Your Church Ready To Break The Next Growth Barrier?

Most pastors want to reach more people with the gospel. And while the goal isn’t necessarily to have a “big church,” we do want to see the church grow in a healthy way. There’s a tension between growth and health that should never be resolved. If you act like it’s all about growth, you’ll cross lines to push up attendance. If you resolve that it’s all about health, you’ll leave God-given ministry opportunities on the table. Great leaders hold growth and health in balance. How can you begin to break the growth barriers at your ministry? 

  1. Prepare for your guests

1 Peter 4:9 says we should show hospitality to all people. What happens when someone visits your church? Think about it. Would phone calls, note cards, or text messages help people get connected? Could you provide a personal guide to help new people make friends? Are you leading people to one, super-clear next step? Put a process in place to encourage growth through first-time attendees. 

  1. Cast a big vision, but don’t leave out the specifics

Work to clarify and communicate your ministry’s very specific mission. Answer the question, ‘Why are we here?’ Your vision should be specific and concrete with a deadline to accomplish it. Some people aren’t motivated by the big picture; they need to know what’s now and what’s urgent. Some people are motivated by the big picture.  That’s why communicating a big-picture purpose in addition to a shorter-term vision can help you connect with your entire congregation.

  1. Equip your church to invite 

You can’t just ask your congregation to invite others, you need to provide them with the tools to make their invitations simple. Consider printing invite cards, or asking members to share social media posts. Instead of asking people to invite, some churches would do well to work on the overall experience. Make sure you’ve got a quality experience where people are hearing

messages of hope and experiencing the love of Jesus, and people will naturally invite their friends. 

We all get stuck and we all plateau. No matter the size of your church, cultural, spiritual, or organizational factors can limit your impact. 

There are barriers you’re facing and we want to help you break them. Learn the 10 THINGS PASTORS CAN DO TO BREAK DOWN GROWTH BARRIERS in our ebook today.

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